Sunday, September 2, 2007

Appendix B: Glossary


Collectivist Culture- The extent to which an individual or group are orientated towards the group (Carr, 2003.). Priorities are given to the groups goals (Myers, 2008)

Individualistic Culture- The extent to which an individual or group are orientated towards themselves (Carr, 2003). Priorities are given to the individuals goals over the group’s goals (Myers, 2008).

Interdependent Self
- Constructing one’s identity in relations to others (Myers, 2008).
Personal Identity-definition of self in terms of traits, idiosyncrasies and personal relationships (Vaughan & Hogg, 2005).

Looking glass self- The tendency to look at oneself, by imagining how another person perceives you. (Baumeister & Bushman, 2008)

McClelland's Theory of Needs- Humans are motivated by three categorises of needs
affiliation, achievement and authority (Deckers, 2005) - Previous blog posting titled "McClelland's Theory of Needs" gives further explanation of McClellands Theory of needs.

Social Categorisation/ Groups- The tendency to divide the social world into separate categorises. Therefore creating the ‘us’ group and ‘them’ group (Baron & Byrne, 2004).

Social Comparison-comparing own abilities and opinions to with others (Myers, 2008).

Self Concepts-Information the self including, self awareness, self esteem and self deception. From these components self beliefs are constructed about oneself (Baron & Byrne, 2004; Malim, 1997).

Self Esteem-how favourably one views themself (Baumeiter & Bushman, 2008)

Self presentation- Self presentation is the desired personal representation expressed to society through behaviour (Fiske, 2004).

Social Identity-A personal definition of who you are. This can include personal attributes and shared attributes with others (Baron & Byrne, 2004).

Social Roles-Different roles played by individuals within society. Social roles change depending on context. They also create scripts about how to behaviour in social situations (Myer, 2008; Baumeister & Bushman, 2008; Baron & Byrne, 2004)

Upward Social Comparison- Veiwing oneself below that of another person (Baumeiter & Bushman, 2008)

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