Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Is anyone innocent?

While I was listening to today's lecture I remembered seeing a short film from the Tropfest Short Film Festival (2006) that was directed by Greg Williams. The film was called the Last Stop. After searching around I managed to dig up the film. I have pasted the link below and I strongly recommend watching it, as it highlights a common form of stereotyping and prejudice in today's society.

I would love to hear any of your thoughts about the clip.
*** QUESTION- would the people on the tram react differently to the bag had it been a white anglosaxon man, or even a female who left it there???***
I think this is all I will write for now, as I have another class to go to. I will extend on this later. I just really wanted to get this clip up and generate some discussion. (sorry I wasn’t sure how to get the URL from the ninemsn site to actually post the clip on my page)
Hope you enjoy.


James Neill said...

luv the ending!

i don't think that video will embed, but you could make the link active (use the little world with a link button) - edit using the pencil.

it reminded me more of bystander effect and perhaps schemas than prejudice?

Unknown said...

Hey Kara, how ya goin'? Just thought I'd let ya know that you have some really good ideas there. I watched the video which was very interesting. It really highlights some of our social behaviours that are formed out of fear and the unknown. I also read your blog on ignorance which really amplified some of my own ideas as well. Thanks for sharing:-)
